
Showing posts from November, 2019

10 Cancer Symptoms That Everyone Ignores

The early detection of cancer symptoms increases the chances of beating this nasty disease . Some of the symptoms are  quite commonly experienced , yet a large number of people ignore them. Here are the 10 most common symptoms of cancer: 1. Shortness of Breath One of the first signs of lung cancer, which tends to be ignored, is wheezing or shortness of breath. Cancer patients say that they have experienced  this symptom but have never done anything about it.. Very frequently, these symptoms tend to be misdiagnosed with asthma. 2. Chronic Cough And Chest Pain Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancer, can cause symptoms such as cough or bronchitis. One of the ways in which you can tell the difference is if the problem is constant or intermittent. If you have constant pain or a cough, consult your doctor immediately.   3. Frequent Infections Frequent infections are symptoms of leukemia in which our blood starts producing an abnormal amount of white ...

A Two-Step Treatment That Helps You Stop Hair Loss and Premature Graying!

You have all heard about baking soda or otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate as it has been used by people for ages due to its powerful benefits. It offers wide range of uses as a cooking agent, cleaning product, cosmetics, healing agent, and so on. This is the most available product on the planet which is not expensive and all-natural. Nevertheless, in this article we shall concentrate solely of one use, and that is its indispensible use in the hair treatment. The commercial hair shampoos contain harmful substances which after long period of use can cause damage to the scalp resulting in dandruff and greasiness.  Your hair will be perfectly clean by using baking soda, and at the same time will help you to regrow your hair and restore its natural shine. This hair treatment is comprised of two steps. First Step You need to prepare the following solution. Needed Ingredients: 1 cup of sodium bicarbonate 3 cups of water Directions: For shorter hair, use lower quantities, ...

Get Rid Of Gray Hair Using Only 1 Ingredient

The graying of hair is the natural phenomenon that is usually associated with the process of aging. The hair becomes grayish when the cells that produce color fail to produce pigments. Generally speaking, Caucasians notice the first signs of gray hair in their mid-30s, African-Americans when they enter their mid-40s and Asians in their early 40s. More than 50% of all men and women have a large number of gray hairs when they reach their 50s. It is very likely that you know how to solve the problem with gray hair on a permanent basis. However, if you are not a fan of the idea of using dye and you are interested to get rid of gray hair and bring back the natural color of your hair, we will suggest one efficient ingredient that can accelerate this process and cover the unpleasant gray hairs. Get Rid of Gray Hair Ingredients Two glasses of water One cup of potato peel Preparation Method Take the potato peel and pour them into the water. Cook this mixture for five minutes....

How To Detox Your Liver For Better Health

The liver is the organ that has the most responsibility for keeping you healthy. There are over 400 functions that it performs for your body, including sifting through everything you consume to retain only that which benefits your health. It is vitally important to keep your liver healthy, and functioning at its peak. Learning how to detox your liver can help you to feel healthier and more energetic. There are some steps that you can take to ensure that your liver is kept toxin free. Bathe Your Liver In Fresh Water Your liver functions better when it’s kept clean. Flushing it with fresh, alkalizing water is the best way of accomplishing that. Water contains many minerals that helps to   clear your liver of toxins, and benefits your health in many other ways. Steer clear of water that is heavily filtered as it can be devoid of essential minerals, and avoid chlorinated tap water. Adding a squeeze of lemon, or a drop or two of lemon essential oil, to your water will make...

This Oil, Will Stop Your Hair Loss and Grow Thick Long Hairs

Castor oil acts as an effective natural treatment capable of combating hair loss, since its compounds allow nourishing and strengthening the scalp. In addition, it provides the necessary vitamins and minerals to avoid the excessive loss that afflicts both men and women. Therefore, we tell you more about the properties and the way of applying this oil on the scalp in order to combat the damage. Properties of castor oil Castor oil is rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties that are highly effective in treating the scalp follicle. Check out its powerful components: It is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids These fatty acids reactivate blood flow in the scalp and help strengthen the hair follicles. In addition, it matches the pH and renews natural oils. It has omega 9 fatty acid Better known as ricinoleic acid, which prevents bacteria and fungi from affecting the scalp. In turn, it acts as a protector of the hair fiber giving it a higher level of hydration, and favoring ...


You are throwing out used tea bags? After reading this article you will never throw away any used tea bags again. We are all familiar with  the healing properties of  the tea, but not many people know the fact  that used teabags can be used in various  ways for different situations. 1. Get Rid of The Redness of Your Eyes Put a couple of teabags in cold water and let them soak for 2 minutes. Place them onto your eyelids. Let them stay there for couple of minutes. After you put them away the redness will be gone and your eyes will look fresher and younger. 2. Marinate Meat In order to prevent the meat from getting hard and resilient , marinate it with already used teabags. The tea’s aroma will make the meat’s taste richer and it will also make it softer. 3. Clean Your Home You can use these teabags even in your daily chores. Tea can clean dirty mirrors, floors and even linoleum. 4. Freshen up Your Clothes And Shoes Store the previously used...

This Amazing Plant Can Heal The Kidneys

Parsley is a plant  widely known for its healing powers and most of the times it is used  as a spice This plant in an extraordinary fighter against urinary problems, kidney diseases and it also acts as a powerful diuretic. Both, its root and  leaves can be used as a medicine. Ejecting water from the organism is very important. We get rid of toxins, bacteria and other harmful substances through urine. Since parsley helps us with these problems we can say that it represents a great diuretic and also a very good antioxidant. Consuming parsley tea is highly recommendable but you should never exaggerate in doing it.  It is best if you don’t  drink over one liter of parsley tea during the day. Parsley functions  as a medicine since ancient times. In ancient Rome it was believed that chewing parsley leaves improves perception and intellectual capability. Today this plant is  mostly used  as a spice. It is also used as a medicine but only by those who...