Rub This Powder On You Face And Facial Hair Will Disappear In 20 Minutes (100% Natural)

Facial hair is most common problem among women, specially on upper lip, chin and jaw line. Waxing and threading options are available but both of them are very painful. Today I will tell you one method that can easily remove these hairs with no pain and there is no side effect of this For this you will need; 1.Sugar 2.Lemon juice 3.Water You need to follow given procedure thrice in a week and you ca expect results in few weeks or preparing this cream all you need to do is mix two teaspoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of sugar, and ten tablespoons of water. Mix nicely all the ingredient. Apply this product in the direction of the hair growth. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and rinse it off with water while rubbing lightly.