8 things almost every man wants from his wife
Everyone knows the perfect relationship doesn’t exist – even the happiest relationships are made up of sacrifices and negotiations. But that doesn’t change the fact that everyone dreams about their perfect relationship, where everything goes according to plan and there are never any problems.
It’s not uncommon for a woman to dream of her “prince charming” and her dream home, even if she’s knows her dreams won’t exactly come true.
But what may be surprising is that men also have these kinds of dreams. They dream of a perfect wife and a perfect life. Your mister might not ask you directly to help him make his dreams be as close to reality as possible, so it’s important that a wife knows them for herself. Here are eight things your husband secretly wants from his wife:
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1. Surprises
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1. Surprises
From a surprise dinner, taking him on a random trip, or surprising him with a small gift, your husband will love you for it. Being surprised by the woman you love is something every man wants.
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2. Honesty
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2. Honesty
Men want a woman who is completely honest with him. This might seem practically impossible, since everyone has secrets, but men would love to marry a woman who he can trust fully. Do your best to be honest and open with your mister and he’ll want to do the same in return.
3. Deep talks
3. Deep talks
Any man would love to have a woman who makes him think. Respectfully question his ideals, play intellectual games together and have deep discussions about topics you both enjoy talking about.
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4. To be taken care of
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4. To be taken care of
When he comes home from a long day in the office, a man wants to be taken care of. That may mean coming home to his favorite meal, getting a long kiss from his honey and the chance to relax after a long day. Most men will deny this (especially since he knows how hard you work too), but they love the idea of having a woman take care of them so they can unwind.
5. For you to love yourself
5. For you to love yourself
Every man appreciates when a woman takes care of herself because she likes who she is. He loves you no matter what, but showing your confidence by how you speak about yourself and how you dress is impressive to him. He feels so lucky to have a woman like you at his side.
6. To know you’re happy
6. To know you’re happy
Everyone loves a little confidence boost. Men love to hear that their woman is happy – so don’t be afraid to tell your husband how happy you are in your marriage. Your whole relationship will be stronger for it.
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7. Trust
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7. Trust
Men like to know they can be trusted with their own time and space. If your husband is going out with friends, let him enjoy himself. Trust him to take care of himself and act honorably even when he’s not around you, and he’ll love you so much for it.
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8. To feel appreciated
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8. To feel appreciated
Men love women who don’t scold them (like their mother used to). Even if he occasionally leaves the toilet seat up, try to be patient and don’t nag too much about it. Instead, find ways to build him up and help him feel appreciated. He does the same for you.
Your husband might not admit to you that he wants these eight things, but he’ll be happier if you can make some of these changes … and your relationship will be stronger from it.
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