24 Effective Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes

One common household name that circulates in almost every house is the word diabetes. Diabetes mellitus, as the officially enlisted name has been across households generation after generation, sometimes passed on sometime procured by our own. Usually our body contains within itself sugar components amongst the others which need to be broken down into soluble form from the rough form and then metabolized so that our body can properly utilize the sugar.

For this entire process there is a substance secreted by our pancreas, a hormone that we commonly recognize to as insulin. It is because of the presence of this hormone in the right amount in our body and its timely secretion does the body sugars get fragmented and utilized.

Now due to faulty secretion or less secretion of this hormone, a condition arises where the sugar in its intact form instead of getting utilized by the body roams about the entire blood system and fails to metabolize or cooperate with the body. This is when the condition diabetes arises.


24 Effective Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes

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One common household name that circulates in almost every house is the word diabetes. Diabetes mellitus, as the officially enlisted name has been across households generation after generation, sometimes passed on sometime procured by our own. Usually our body contains within itself sugar components amongst the others which need to be broken down into soluble form from the rough form and then metabolized so that our body can properly utilize the sugar.
home remedies for diabetes
For this entire process there is a substance secreted by our pancreas, a hormone that we commonly recognize to as insulin. It is because of the presence of this hormone in the right amount in our body and its timely secretion does the body sugars get fragmented and utilized.
Now due to faulty secretion or less secretion of this hormone, a condition arises where the sugar in its intact form instead of getting utilized by the body roams about the entire blood system and fails to metabolize or cooperate with the body. This is when the condition diabetes arises.
Now diabetes comes with two types. The type 1 diabetes is a condition when the insulin production ceases whereas in the type 2 diabetes the insulin production is faltering but insulin is still produced in short wisp amounts. No matter what the type is, diabetes is something that we definitely should be keeping an eye out for. Given here are some of the most effective natural homemade remedies to handling diabetes problem.

Best Home Remedies For Diabetes:

1. Holy Basil For Diabetes:

The holy basil leaves or as we call ‘tulasi’ is a power packed element that consists within itself the products eugenol and caryophyllene along with methyl eugenol. These three products together works on the pancreas where the beta cells within them are held responsible for the production of insulin. These three elements within the holy basil would stimulate the beta cells ensuring the proper production of insulin thereby aiding both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
2. Exercises:

The key to staying away from the harmful effects of diabetes is to keep yourself fit and proper. This is why exercise is probably one of the most worthwhile remedies to curing or stabilizing diabetes. These exercises usually include free hand where you opt for early morning jogging or running or simply a skipping rope session. Opt for aerobic exercises where you have to go intense for a few minutes. The physical activity would definitely help you contain your blood sugar level and controls.
3. Indian Gooseberry:
Indian gooseberry or amla as many of us know is a small peach like fruit that grows abundantly in the trees around here. These gooseberries are an excellent source of anti-oxidants and stores within itself huge amounts of vitamin C. The gooseberry juice definitely helps you maintain healthy conditions in your pancreas where the source of insulin production happens. Therefore, with a healthy working pancreas you can expect a healthy working hormone. This is one of the best home remedies for diabetes problem and keeps you always healthy.
4. Bilberry (Neelabadari)Leaves:
Bilberry or neelabadari leaves much like the gooseberry is one of the lethal all natural recipes to keep your diabetic solution in check. Now bilberry leaved directly does not work on the pancreas or insulin production but it sure is a natural boost for all the hormones and secretions related to the pancreas. The anthocyanidin in bilberry leaves stimulates hormones which aids in breakdown of blood sugar and metabolizing it thereby helping us combat diabetes.
5. Bitter Gourd:
bitter melon
Karela as we call in our traditional language is what a bitter gourd is. No matter how much we hate the bitter taste of karela, at the end of the day it is one of the helpful machines that help you combat diabetes. Our grandparents always insisted us to have bitters when we were small and looks like they were right all along.  The bitter gourd has a hold on the glucose content in our body where they help us disintegrate the glucose so that they don’t have to float around in our blood.
6. Aloe Vera:
aloevera 1
Do you want to know how to control diabetes by using aloe vera? Aloe vera is a miracle plant which has shown flawless results in the past in regards to health care and beauty benefits. Aloe vera is a store house for all natural minerals starting from manganese to vitamin E and therefore is a sure shot ailment to treating diabetes.
7. Cinnamon:
Now unlike the other ailments, cinnamon is something that you cannot consume just by itself and therefore cinnamon or dalchini cannot be a responsible enough cure for diabetes. However it is one of the best in the lot where the cinnamon in stick or powder form lowers the glucose level within the blood by absorbing the sugar from within the blood. The additional improvement to insulin sensitivity adds to its credits.
8. Guava:
Guava has a high fiber content within itself and is filled with vitamin C. this is primarily why guava is one of the best entrusted food items that can help you combat diabetes. The guava can either be juiced or eaten in cubes and slices but it is always advisable to keep the peels off from your diet. Even though guava is good a bit too much of everything is not good.’
9. Pears:
Pears have the same components as that of guavas where they are enriched in fiber and contains within itself huge amounts of  vitamin C. together pears can be juiced to get the best result. Every day a glass of pear juice will not only maintain the sugar in your blood level but also help your pancreas in secreting the much essential insulin juice.
10. Mango Leaves:
mango leaves
For this we would actually need the leaves more than the fruits. The mango leaves are a proven method to aiding diabetes but here too there are two ways of intake which can be followed. Either dried and grinded or boiled and drank. Mango leaves are another one of the best home remedies for diabetes with out any side effects and which keeps healthy also.
11. Alfalfa Can Reduce Diabetes:
This is a good remedy for all the vegetarian lovers where this powerful herbal remedy will ensure your diabetes to be in control as long as you promise to intake it each and every day. Often there are pre made alfalfa capsules found in the nearest drug store but the best way is to intake a spoon full of alfalfa seeds. The alfalfa seeds definitely makes an effort to lower your blood sugar levels while filling your body with healthy mineral agents.
12. Flax Seeds:
Flax seed
Much like the pears and guavas, even the flaxseeds are good source of fiber and can be found in its original form or in the form of oils as well. This home remedy works efficiently on diabetes and controls it.
13. Green Tea:
Green tea 5
Green tea is a budget product which has previously helped a lot in case of beauty care and here once again green tea comes and this time it will be fighting against the stubborn diabetes. Green tea is one of the best home remedies to control diabetes.
14. Okra For Diabetes:
Okra means ladyfingers and within itself the presence of polyphenolic molecules has lead us to belief that okra can actually save a million lives just by helping us reducing glucose in the blood level. The treatment handed by home remedies for diabetes with ladyfingers will successful.
15. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Much like okra, even apple cider vinegar helps in maintain blood sugar by keeping a stern eye on the unwanted elements that we intake in our body. Most of the researches said that it is one of the perfect home remedies for diabetes.
16. Psyllium Seeds:
Psyllium seeds
Psyllium seeds are the best to help you deal with high sugar levels in your body which is the root cause for diabetes. These wondrous seeds do well to soak up excess sugar when consumed so that your sugar levels are kept easily in check at all times. Consume these seeds on a daily basis when facing a problem of diabetes to slowly recover in the long run. It is obviously a slow process but it provides full proof results in time.
17. Neem:
Neem is a wondrous plant that has applications to many diseases. Neem can be used on chicken pox, can help to reduce high blood pressure and most importantly can help to reduce and dissipate the effects of diabetes. Neem crushed and mixed into a drink can be quite bitter but very effective against the effects of diabetes by neutralizing high sugar content in your body. Drink a glass of neem everyday to rid yourself of diabetes in the long run. It is one of the best ways to do so and is even subscribed by doctors all around the world making it a perfect home remedy for diabetes
18. Indian Blackberry:
Indian Blackberry
Native to India, the Indian blackberry is a one of a kind fruit that is very effective against the effects of diabetes. It not only acts as a strong medication when facing the problems of diabetes but also rids your body of any remnants so that you can walk free and healthy for the rest of your life. It is very effective for people in all stages of diabetes and is available anywhere and in all seasons making it one of the most versatile and effective fruits.
19. Moringa Leaves:
Moringa Leaves
Moringa leaves like neem can also be made into a drink to help cure any elaborate effects of diabetes. The ability to reduce sugar content in your body is what neem and this great plant have in common. You can get moringa leaves anywhere as it is a quite well known plant. Its leaves are beneficial to cure other important diseases as well which include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, fatigue and other diabetes related problems which are dire to your body in the long run.
20. Cut Down On Alcohol:
Alcohol has a fixed amount of sugar content which takes a big toll on your liver in the long run. When suffering with diabetes if you do not cut down on drinking alcohol it will not only instigate the disease but will take you to a place that will affect you quite badly in the long run. Alcohol is your worst enemy when suffering with diabetes so it is a good option to stay far away from it while getting treatment in order to get better fast which is the fastest diabetes home remedies you may get your hands on.
21. Reduce Stress Level:
rest from time to time
As mentioned earlier stress is one of the root causes of diabetes and with the rising growth of stress due to high job pressure and everyday issues people tend to suffer with diabetes more often so it is always better to have a little bit of peace through maybe a hobby or passion so that the relief to your body is imminent. Constant pressure to your mind and body will surely bring on severe versions of diabetes so it is good to rest from time to time to keep your pressure in check.
22. Fenugreek Control Diabetes:
Fenugreek is a perfect way to heal diabetes slowly but is not used quite often as there are a number of home remedies for diabetes available in the market. Fenugreek though if used correctly can be better than the rest of the home remedies due to its strong neutralizing factor that is even stronger than neem. Fenugreek also contains the fiber and minerals that your body needs in order to fight diabetes with great care and efficiency. Fenugreek is available in the market at all times and comes at cost effective prices making it a part of some great natural remedies for diabetes.
23. Sun To The Rescue:
Sun To The Rescue
Vitamin D and E are perfect when you need to fight diabetes and the sun which is a natural producer of vitamin D comes to the rescue in this area. With the sun you not only get volumes of vitamin D soaked up by your skin but you also feel refreshed and healthy.
24. Fruit Intake:
Fruit Intake
Mentioned above are specific fruits that help diabetes but in reality all fruits are perfect to help neutralize sugar content in your body so the best way to help fight diabetes is to consume fruit rich in vitamin C, D and A. these fruits include apples, oranges, pomegranate and so on. Fruits like Bananas, berries, citrus fruits, pomegranate as mentioned above are perfect to help you fight diabetes as fruits remove high sugar contents in your body quite effectively leaving you healthier and stronger.
Diabetes is something that people deal with quite often especially when they are suffering due to hereditary reasons or any prolonged experience that might have occurred in their lives. With the constant growth of stress which is the root cause of diabetes today there has been quite a spike in the growth of this disease which is the gateway to other diseases like high blood pressure and cataract. There are ways by which you can deal with diabetes quite easily and is mentioned in detail in the points given above.

Source: https://stylesatlife.com/articles/home-remedies-for-diabetes/


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