7 Tongue Disorders You Need to Beware of!

The tongue becomes one of the most complex parts of the body. This reinforced organ has a function as a tool to talk, taste, masticate, and swallow. Like other limbs, the tongue can also experience interference. This situation can be a sign that there are more serious diseases.

Among the several tongue disorders that are signs of serious illness, the following 7 include:

1. Fissure tongue
Fissured tongue is a condition when the tongue has gaps with a depth of 2-5 mm. The gap is usually located in 1/3 of the middle of the tongue.

Fissure tongue is more common in men than in women. Someone with this disorder generally does not experience pain complaints or other specific symptoms.

Although it generally occurs normally, the fissure tongue can also be a symptom of Melkerson Rosenthal Syndrome, Down Syndrome, and side effects of therapeutic drugs.

2. Coated tongue
This is a condition when the tongue surface is covered with a white membrane. This membrane is the result of the accumulation of bacteria, fungi and dead cells trapped in the protrusion of the tongue papilla.

A coated tongue can be one of the symptoms of respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, metabolic disorders, psychological disorders and side effects of drugs.

3. Hairy tongue
Hairy tongue is also known as the black tongue. This is the state when the tongue papilla enlarges; changes in color to yellow, orange, green, brown or black; covered in membranes; rough or looks like hairy.

The hairy tongue can occur due to the growth of bacteria and fungi on the tongue that is not well controlled. This situation is motivated by dehydration or lack of fluids, diabetes mellitus, excessive use of mouthwash, side effects of antibiotic drugs, chemotherapy surgery and others.

4. Decapitated tongue
This is a situation when the size of the papilla is shrinking, the surface of the tongue is shiny, and does not settle or can move its position.

The decapitated tongue can be a symptom of anemia, more plum Vinson syndrome, syphilis, and zoster infection. Symptoms that can be felt by the sufferer are reduced taste, tongue purple or reddish, the tongue feels hot like burning, and the wound on the tongue.

5. Geographic tongue
Also called benign migratory glossitis, which is where there is a reduction in the tongue papilla and red spots appear to form like an island.

Geographic tongue can be one of the symptoms of allergies, digestive disorders, and psoriasis. Other trigger factors, the presence of immunological reactions, stress, heredity, and malnutrition.

6. Tongue tumors
The type of tumor that often occurs on the tongue is fibroma, papilloma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, lipoma, granular cell myiblastoma. Most often found at the age of 60 years.

7. Tongue cancer
Tongue cancer usually begins with the formation of small white bumps or like canker sores. If not treated immediately, a lump that is a cancer cell will spread to the bottom of the tongue and jaw.

Tongue cancer is thought to occur due to physical trauma, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco exposure, smoking habits, fungal infections, candidiasis, syphilis, sepsis, and chronic tongue inflammation. As many as 80% of tongue cancer sufferers are smokers.

By understanding various tongue disorders, you are expected to be more aware of the occurrence of dangerous diseases that hide behind these conditions. Do not hesitate to immediately see a doctor if you experience the above conditions.

Source: https://www.bungnawi.com/2019/04/7-tongue-disorders-you-need-to-beware-of.html


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