Acne breakouts can negatively affect you, both physically and emotionally. You need to do a lot of your research so that you don’t burn, harm, or irritate your skin when trying to get rid of the affliction. There are some tips listed below to help you start treating your acne breakouts.

Here is a way of treating acne that is a little bit off the wall. You want to mix cut up strawberries with sour cream and make sure it is blended well. Then apply the mixture to your face like a beauty mask. This mixture will cool your face and clear up problem areas.

Don’t over wash your face. Some people believe that having clean skin will cure their acne, but by using harsh chemicals often, or over drying your skin with so many washings per day, you can actually make acne worse by irritating and drying out your sensitive skin. Instead opt for once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once at night before bed, using a gentle and moisturizing cleanser.

Sometimes it is difficult not to scratch your face or pick at it, but you need to avoid this as your hands have dirt and oils on them. Pores retain dirt, which inflames the skin and causes pimples.

Avoid stress to keep your face clear of unsightly bumps. Stress wakes up the hormones in the body that create acne. Keep yourself calm to keep your skin calm. Try deep cleansing breathes or taking time out for something you enjoy. The less stress you put your body through the more your skin will thank you.

A simple lemon slice can help you with your acne. Apply a slice of freshly cut lemon to your blemish. Leave on only for a few minutes. This is an easily accessible, natural and cost-effective treatment for acne. This treatment only takes a few minutes a day and can deter you from more drastic and expensive treatments.

Add in super-foods and supplements to your diet to help your body fight off acne issues. Of particular use to those with acne is Maca, a supplement made of a powdered root vegetable that helps balance out your hormone levels and provides a rich variety of essential nutrients. Add this to your smoothies and you will start seeing an effect on your skin soon.

Stop touching your face. Your hands are host to all of the bacteria you pick up between washings. Most of these bacteria are foreign to your physiology, making reactions a likely possibility. Furthermore, touching your face will make it harder to resist picking at blemishes. Blemishes need time and care, to heal without scarring.

Mix baking soda with water to form a paste then apply the paste to areas on your skin affected by acne and leave for 15 minutes. Baking soda is a mild exfoliate and it can remove dead skin cells and unclog pores preventing any more blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or cysts forming on the skin.

Do not overdo it with your makeup, especially if you are already breaking out. Makeup can clog pores, making a breakout even worse. If you must wear makeup, try to use oil-free cosmetics, wear it for as short an amount of time as possible and wash it off as soon as you can.

Getting the adequate amount of rest is an essential part of fighting acne. The body needs at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep, and that sleep time is when the body undergoes maintenance and repair, including repairs made to the body’s immune system. The immune system helps fight off acne-causing bacteria, so keeping it well maintained is important.

To reduce the amount of irritation that can lead to acne, practice proper breathing techniques as the day wears on. This will help to replenish your supply of oxygen internally, so that you can function properly during the day. Take deep breaths to stay healthy and reduce blemishes on your face.

Make a paste out of sea salt and water then apply it to the affected area and leave overnight. This is a great acne treatment because salt is a natural antiseptic and can eliminate the bacteria on your skin that is causing the acne outbreaks. Salt also has a drying action so make sure you apply moisturizer onto your skin in the morning.

If you want to reduce the redness and swelling of acne, try using hydrocortisone cream. The chemicals used in this cream are what help redness and swelling. In order to use hydrocortisone cream properly for acne, apply a small amount on the pimple and let it sit in overnight. Do not wash it off until morning.

Acne breakouts can be very troublesome, but with some work and some patience, you can beat it. It just takes research and asking your doctor what to do and how to treat it safely so you can have clearer skin. Do yourself a favor and try using the above tips to help get rid of your acne.


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