If You Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Bananas are considered to be a complete food, but we often underrate them. Yet, this exotic fruit has the potential to be the next great health revolution, as it is simply loaded with nutrients. This yellow-skin miracle is high in natural sugars, fructose, and sucrose, various nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Apparently, its regular consumption can provide amazing health benefits. Bananas are the most commonly consumed fruits in the United States, even more, that the number of consumed oranges and apples together. In the beginning, bananas have a green color and do not have spots on the skin, but as they become riper, brown spots start to appear and cover the whole fruit. Yet, ripe bananas are actually much healthier, as the more spots they have, the more TNF they contain. TNF fights against abnormal cells in the body, so ripe bananas are actually able to successfully fight cancer. TNF promotes the communication between the immune system and body cells, and it...